Major Political Initiatives in Bucks County: Investing in the Future

Bucks County is committed to making the most of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds in an equitable and innovative way. We take into account the opinions of our citizens, partners in the business world, and research the best practices to create investments that have a long-term, measurable, and sustainable effect. The plan contains information on funding allocations and eligible expenses, program initiatives and outcomes, and service level indicators for initiatives to help residents and businesses due to the pandemic. The Bucks County Division of Human Services is piloting the joint response initiative together with the Bensalem Police Department.

This project is supported by the Federal Award (FAIN) SLFRP022, awarded to Bucks County by the U. S. With funding from the Bucks County American Rescue Plan Act, the Care Without Walls (CWOW) program provides services to Bucks County residents aging at home in what amounts to an evolving NORC. Bucks County's coordinated entry system, known as the Housing Link helpline, is directly responsible for prioritizing households with children to enter the shelter with minimal delay.

Bucks County Human Services representatives had the opportunity to visit the Buxmont Academy headquarters in Sellersville to see the excellent work being done by both staff and students. The administrative branch of Bucks County Government coordinates a wide range of services, including emergency, community and human services, the county prison system, voter registration, and elections. As required by county procurement policies and procedures, each project or program will be approved by the Bucks County Board of Commissioners by resolution. In response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, Bucks County awarded the Ivins Outreach Center a grant to support its efforts to meet persistent academic needs and food inequality.

At the Penndel Mental Health Center, Bucks County American Rescue Plan Act funds are used to provide better and more efficient services and support to the individuals and families they serve, by increasing their electronic health record (EHR). Bucks County American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds support a consortium of Lower Bucks County school districts associated with the Ivins Outreach Center and the local community by providing additional funding for day, extracurricular and summer programs, as well as vital resources for food disparities. The Bucks County Planning Commission (BCPC) helps county commissioners and the 54 constituent municipalities to introduce, establish, and manage sound land use practices and policies that serve to protect the health, safety, and well-being of all county residents without prejudice and in accordance with the Pennsylvania Municipal Planning Code. NOVA (Network of Victim Assistance) is Bucks County's only comprehensive victim services organization that provides ongoing care that includes forensic nursing, the Child Defense Center (CAC), trauma counseling, victim defense, and an extensive preventive education program focused on personal safety.

References to this program come from Bucks County children (26% of youth), Bucks County correspondents, schools, and people on parole for minors. The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) has enabled Bucks County's Division of Human Services to allocate millions of dollars towards strengthening key elements of its mental health system as well as improving community services and support. This investment will help ensure that all citizens have access to quality mental health care regardless of their financial situation or background. By investing in these initiatives now, we are investing in a brighter future for our county.

Alfred Westall
Alfred Westall

Incurable travel maven. Hipster-friendly music guru. Subtly charming twitter lover. Amateur twitter buff. Hipster-friendly twitter guru.